Tuesday 18 September 2012

Andy Potts - BBC Proms illustration

I found this piece in the library and find it very interesting. I thought this stood out the most because of the way that he had used the colours, brightly ad vibrant. There looks like there are a lot of layers so my guess is this was a very complex piece of art to compose. Andy Potts can be quite graphical in his illustrations but works really well.

David Hughes - Illustration

I had the choice to choose between 6 artists to research and this guy stood out the most. His work is very broad and is described to be a "Graphics designer who likes to illustrate". His work can be found in Punch, The Observer and The new Yorker.

I like this piece because of the scratchy lines and the flat-coloured ink. It is very unique because off the way he brings humour into the piece. I also like the way that the heads are done, they have been distorted which works well. It looks like Barack Obama and Gordon Brown are in it. The only part I dislike is the composition, it does not look very thought through.